package code package lib import model._ import net.liftweb._ import common._ import http._ /** * A simple example of a REST style interface * using the basic Lift tools */ object BasicExample { /* * Given a suffix and an item, make a LiftResponse */ private def toResponse(suffix: String, item: Item) = suffix match { case "xml" => XmlResponse(item) case _ => JsonResponse(item) } /** * Find /simple/item/1234.json * Find /simple/item/1234.xml */ lazy val findItem: LiftRules.DispatchPF = { case Req("simple" :: "item" :: itemId :: Nil, // path suffix, // suffix GetRequest) => () => Item.find(itemId).map(toResponse(suffix, _)) } /** * Find /simple2/item/1234.json */ lazy val extractFindItem: LiftRules.DispatchPF = { // path with extractor case Req("simple2" :: "item" :: Item(item) :: Nil, suffix, GetRequest) => // a function that returns the response () => Full(toResponse(suffix, item)) } }
// the stateless REST handlers LiftRules.statelessDispatchTable.append(BasicExample.findItem) LiftRules.statelessDispatchTable.append(BasicExample.extractFindItem) // stateful versions of the same // LiftRules.dispatch.append(BasicExample.findItem) // LiftRules.dispatch.append(BasicExample.extractFindItem)
lazy val findItem: LiftRules.DispatchPF =
case Req("simple" :: "item" :: itemId :: Nil, // path suffix, // suffix GetRequest) =>
() => Item.find(itemId).map(toResponse(suffix, _))
/* * Given a suffix and an item, make a LiftResponse */ private def toResponse(suffix: String, item: Item) = suffix match { case "xml" => XmlResponse(item) case _ => JsonResponse(item) }
// path with extractor case Req("simple2" :: "item" :: Item(item) :: Nil, suffix, GetRequest) =>
// a function that returns the response () => Full(toResponse(suffix, item))
/** * Extract a String (id) to an Item */ def unapply(id: String): Option[Item] = Item.find(id)
package code package model import net.liftweb._ import util._ import Helpers._ import common._ import json._ import scala.xml.Node /** * An item in inventory */ case class Item(id: String, name: String, description: String, price: BigDecimal, taxable: Boolean, weightInGrams: Int, qnty: Int) /** * The Item companion object */ object Item { private implicit val formats = net.liftweb.json.DefaultFormats + BigDecimalSerializer private var items: List[Item] = parse(data).extract[List[Item]] private var listeners: List[Item => Unit] = Nil /** * Convert a JValue to an Item if possible */ def apply(in: JValue): Box[Item] = Helpers.tryo{in.extract[Item]} /** * Extract a String (id) to an Item */ def unapply(id: String): Option[Item] = Item.find(id) /** * Extract a JValue to an Item */ def unapply(in: JValue): Option[Item] = apply(in) /** * The default unapply method for the case class. * We needed to replicate it here because we * have overloaded unapply methods */ def unapply(in: Any): Option[(String, String, String, BigDecimal, Boolean, Int, Int)] = { in match { case i: Item => Some((,, i.description, i.price, i.taxable, i.weightInGrams, i.qnty)) case _ => None } } /** * Convert an item to XML */ implicit def toXml(item: Item): Node =- {Xml.toXml(item)}
/** * Convert the item to JSON format. This is * implicit and in the companion object, so * an Item can be returned easily from a JSON call */ implicit def toJson(item: Item): JValue = Extraction.decompose(item) /** * Convert a Seq[Item] to JSON format. This is * implicit and in the companion object, so * an Item can be returned easily from a JSON call */ implicit def toJson(items: Seq[Item]): JValue = Extraction.decompose(items) /** * Convert a Seq[Item] to XML format. This is * implicit and in the companion object, so * an Item can be returned easily from an XML REST call */ implicit def toXml(items: Seq[Item]): Node ={ } /** * Get all the items in inventory */ def inventoryItems: Seq[Item] = items // The raw data private def data = """[ {"id": "1234", "name": "Cat Food", "description": "Yummy, tasty cat food", "price": 4.25, "taxable": true, "weightInGrams": 1000, "qnty": 4 }, {"id": "1235", "name": "Dog Food", "description": "Yummy, tasty dog food", "price": 7.25, "taxable": true, "weightInGrams": 5000, "qnty": 72 }, {"id": "1236", "name": "Fish Food", "description": "Yummy, tasty fish food", "price": 2, "taxable": false, "weightInGrams": 200, "qnty": 45 }, {"id": "1237", "name": "Sloth Food", "description": "Slow, slow sloth food", "price": 18.33, "taxable": true, "weightInGrams": 750, "qnty": 62 }, ] """ /** * Select a random Item */ def randomItem: Item = synchronized { items(Helpers.randomInt(items.length)) } /** * Find an item by id */ def find(id: String): Box[Item] = synchronized { items.find( == id) } /** * Add an item to inventory */ def add(item: Item): Item = { synchronized { items = item :: items.filterNot( == updateListeners(item) } } /** * Find all the items with the string in their name or * description */ def search(str: String): List[Item] = { val strLC = str.toLowerCase() items.filter(i => >= 0 || i.description.toLowerCase.indexOf(strLC) >= 0) } /** * Deletes the item with id and returns the * deleted item or Empty if there's no match */ def delete(id: String): Box[Item] = synchronized { var ret: Box[Item] = Empty val Id = id // an upper case stable ID for pattern matching items = items.filter { case i@Item(Id, _, _, _, _, _, _) => ret = Full(i) // side effect false case _ => true } } /** * Update listeners when the data changes */ private def updateListeners(item: Item): Item = { synchronized { listeners.foreach(f => Schedule.schedule(() => f(item), 0 seconds)) listeners = Nil } item } /** * Add an onChange listener */ def onChange(f: Item => Unit) { synchronized { // prepend the function to the list of listeners listeners ::= f } } } /** * A helper that will JSON serialize BigDecimal */ object BigDecimalSerializer extends Serializer[BigDecimal] { private val Class = classOf[BigDecimal] def deserialize(implicit format: Formats): PartialFunction[(TypeInfo, JValue), BigDecimal] = { case (TypeInfo(Class, _), json) => json match { case JInt(iv) => BigDecimal(iv) case JDouble(dv) => BigDecimal(dv) case value => throw new MappingException("Can't convert " + value + " to " + Class) } } def serialize(implicit format: Formats): PartialFunction[Any, JValue] = { case d: BigDecimal => JDouble(d.doubleValue) } }
dpp@raptor:~/proj/simply_lift/samples/http_rest$ curl http://localhost:8080/simple/item/1234 { "id":"1234", "name":"Cat Food", "description":"Yummy, tasty cat food", "price":4.25, "taxable":true, "weightInGrams":1000, "qnty":4 } dpp@raptor:~/proj/simply_lift/samples/http_rest$ curl http://localhost:8080/simple/item/1234.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <item> <id>1234</id> <name>Cat Food</name> <description>Yummy, tasty cat food</description> <price>4.25</price> <taxable>true</taxable> <weightInGrams>1000</weightInGrams> <qnty>4</qnty> </item> dpp@raptor:~/proj/simply_lift/samples/http_rest$
(C) 2012 David Pollak